Maine Center for Entrepreneurs Top Gun logo

Accelerate your business growth with Top Gun.

Of the 400+ companies that have been through Top Gun since 2009, 40% were already generating revenue, at an annual rate of up to $1 million. Most of the rest were in product and business model development, with a handful still in research or in the product and business model-definition stage.

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What to Expect

First and foremost; expect to put in effort and to be challenged at every turn. In addition to keeping your expectations high (for both the program and your business), you can expect the following as a participant in the Top Gun program: Access to a cultivated mentor network with over 300 business professionals, high impact learning, Statewide and regional gatherings and pitch coaching and events.


Top Gun is a 15-week program that combines hands-on mentoring with high-impact weekly gatherings. The program runs annually from January to May, with the application process starting in late Fall of the year prior.


Participants in the program are competitively selected. They are promising, coachable entrepreneurs with innovative and scalable companies. Applicants are required to undergo an intense application process, followed by an in-depth panel interview, to ensure we are providing our expertise and resources to startups with the heart and destination to succeed. All ages and experience levels are welcome to apply.

Since 2009, the Top Gun Program has had the opportunity to work with some of Maine's most promising entrepreneurs. Here are just a few Top Gun clients from over the years.

Main Program Elements

Top Gun elements include mentorship, lessons from successful entrepreneurs, workshopping, discussions, and pitch development and practice, all of which occurs during high-impact in person and virtual gatherings.


Participants work closely with one to three mentors, who provide guidance and answer questions along the way, while also connecting with many others in their industry who can help them to achieve their goals.

Lessons from Successful Entrepreneurs

Top Gun participants are given the opportunity to listen and engage with successful entrepreneurs as they discuss vital business topics, and then apply what they’ve learned to their own businesses.


Participants workshop with their mentors and other peers in the program throughout the five-month period to come up with strategies and plans of action to accelerate their businesses.


Participants share and discuss their unique perspectives with peers facing similar challenges and issues, with a goal of brainstorming better ways to address and overcome the obstacles they face.

Pitch Development/Practice

Participants work together with mentors and peers to develop effective pitches, and to practice delivering them in a powerful and action-inspiring manner. Mentors provide successful pitching techniques, as well as guide and provide feedback to participants throughout the program.

Annual Showcase Event

Top Gun participants will have a chance to deliver their pitch or showcase their business to an audience of over 300 potential investors, business leaders, and journalists, and may even walk away with the $25k prize!

Membership Cost

The cost to participate in the Top Gun Program is $600 per team. That’s just 10% of actual costs, thanks to our generous partners and sponsors

Lead Partner

Logo of Maine Technology Institute with colorful geometric shapes

Regional Partners

Logos for UpStart Center for Entrepreneurship and Northern Maine Development Commission (NMDC)